Everyone is welcome at the Drop in Cafe. There is tea, coffee, hot chocolate, homemade cakes and hot sausage rolls all at reasonable prices. The Drop-in-Cafe is organised and funded by Teynham Parish Council.
All money raised is used to fund future sessions.
- There is no need to book, just pop in.
- Free entry.
- Doors open 10am - 12 noon.
Community Hall, 89 Station Road, Teynham, ME9 9DU
Future dates
All events are held on a Friday from 10am to noon. The dates are shown below.
- September — 6th
- October — 18th
- November — 15th, 29th
- December — 13th
- January — 10th, 24th
- February — 7th
- March — 7th, 21st
- April — 4th
- May — 2nd, 16th
- June— 13th, 27th
- July — 11th