Join the Parish Council

You are invited to apply to join Teynham Parish Council.
Share your passion to make a positive change to our community. 

On this pages, you'll find:

  • What we do
  • Use your skills, knowledge & experience
  • How to apply
  • Criteria 

What we do

Teynham Parish Council represents over 3000 people. Our activities fall in to three groups: Represent the community; Provide services & facilities; and Wellbeing.

Use your skills, knowledge and experience

Use your skills, knowledge and experience to help represent our community. You'll have the opportunity to develop valuable leadership, teamwork and decision-making skills. You'll establish connections with fellow councillors, local authorities and of course local residents. You'll gain a deeper understanding of community issues and opportunities.

We will support you along your journey with an induction, opportunities for training and peer mentoring.  

How to apply

If you are interested or would like more information please contact the Clerk, Hayley Steel at The closing date is 6pm, Tuesday 30 January 2024.

  • The formal Notice of Vacancy, can be found online.
  • To be eligible, you must meet the criteria described on the formal notice of Vacancy. 
  • In summary this is
    • Aged 18+
    • Be a UK or EU citizen
    • Live within Teynham (or within 3 miles) or own/occupy land within the area or work within the Parish

Further information

For more information contact the Parish Clerk, Hayley Steel (07985 662179) or the Chairman, Paul Townson (077 9000 3743).