Highsted Park Planning Applications

Highsted Park

On this page you'll find:

  • An overview of the Highsted Park planning applications.
  • Teynham PC's response.
  • How you can respond.


Highsted Park overview

  • There are two planning applications relating to Highsted Park: 
  • The map, below, indicates the approximate area covered by the Highsted Park planning applications.

    Highsted Park outline area


Responding to the planning applications

Teynham PC has responded to the Highsted Park planning applications.

Teynham Parish Council continues to object to the proposed Highsted Park North and South developments, individually or as combined applications.

Working with Doddington, Lynsted with Kingsdown, and Tonge Parish Councils and professional consultants, Teynham PC has produced two separate reports outlining objections to the planning applications as they currently stand.

View the Reports

The two detailed reports, covering general planning matters and transport considerations, are available below. Each report includes an executive summary that provides an overview, with further technical details in the body of the report.


2021 (Previous reply)

Key objections

Our key objections remain:

  • General Planning Concerns
    • Non-Compliance with Local Plan Policies
    • Loss of High-Quality Agricultural Land and Food Security
    • Environmental and Ecological Impact
    • Community Well-being
    • Water supply and wastewater infrastructure 
  • Transport and Highways Concerns
    • Induced Traffic and Congestion
    • Air Quality
    • Sustainable Transport 
    • Infrastructure Adequacy

These objections are detailed in the reports, which have been developed through extensive community feedback and expert analysis. Swale Planning Committee are expected to consider these applications in September 2024.

We invite you to review these reports. Whatever your views, you can submit your comments to the planning team at Mid Kent. (Detail below).

How to respond

Whatever your views, you can share your comments with the planning team at Mid Kent. Send your comments online, by email or post.

Please note: 

  • Quote the application number on all correspondence.
  • Comments on social media (eg Facebook) do not count towards the planning application.

Responding to an application

You can support, object or comment on a planning application on a number of grounds. Examples include:

  • Contrary to Local Plan
  • Appearance (design, materials etc)
  • Traffic, parking or access problems
  • Residential amenity (noise, overshadowing, overlooking)
  • Drainage problems
  • Effect on setting of Listed Building or
  • Character of Conservation Area