Railway Crossing at Teynham

Letter of objection sent to KCC's PROW team in response to the proposed diversion of the crossing west of Teynham station.

Email sent 20 May 2023

Dear PROW Team

There are considerable community concerns about diverting part of the PROW ZR681 adjacent to Teynham Railway Station. This email provides a summary of the community concerns, plus our preferred solution.


Teynham Parish Council’s preferred solution would be to maintain the current location of the PROW ZR681 and create a recognised safe crossing.


  • PROW ZR681 forms an important direct route between Teynham and Conyer.
  • This PROW is a popular route for people walking, often with their dogs, towards Conyer, the Saxon Shore path and the Ship Inn Public House.
  • The route is often used by residents from Conyer to access education, services, and transport links in Teynham and beyond.
  • This pathway also forms part of the Fruit Belt loop walk, which is popular with visitors and locals alike.
  • The route is also used to access Creed Outdoor Learning facilities, which are located about 100m north of the railway crossing.

 Community comments

  • There are a range of local community views.
  • The majority of comments indicate a desire to keep the route in the same location.
  • A number of residents indicated their concern about the safety of the crossing.

Residents recognise the need for safety when crossing the railway line.

Practical suggestions include:

  • Diverting the pathway above/below the train line.
  • Installing automatic pedestrian barriers, which mirror the vehicle crossing barriers at the other end of the platform.
  • Improved signage and lighting
  • Installation of permanent CCTV.


Concerns on diverting the PROW include: 

  • Who owns the land where the proposed diverted PROW will run.
  • Increased risk of people walking along the platforms. (Ie people will walk up, platform one across the vehicle crossing road, then returning along platform two).
  • Additional time — approximately 5 to 10 minutes each way — to walk between Coyner and Teynham
  • Accessibility particularly during wet weather and winter months

Multiple changes

  • Teynham is undergoing a number of changes at the same time.
  • PROW ZR247, known locally as the ‘Ash Path’, runs to the south of PROW ZR681.
  • The two PROWs form a direct access route from Conyer to Teynham.
  • KCC is also proposing to temporarily close, for 6 months, a section of PROW ZR247, with a diversion of 15-20 minutes. The cumulative impact will mean a total diversion of around 20-25 minutes extra - each way - when walking from Conyer to Teynham for the services at Teynham.In addition, residents in Conyer have recently had their bus service removed. These changes will have a negative compound effect.